Organize Your Basketball Team

Organize Your Basketball Team with SignUpGenius

Organize Your Basketball Team

Plan basketball team fundraisers, parties, snack schedules, carpools and more with simple online sign up sheets.

Create a sign up

1. Create a Sign Up

Invite your group

2. Invite Your Group

They sign up online

3. They Sign Up Online

We send reminders

4. We Send Reminders

Advanced Features You'll Love

Send Team Updates with Texting

Send Team Updates with Texting

Design Custom Themes and Layouts

Design Custom Themes and Layouts

Include Attachments for Waivers

Include Attachments for Waivers

Link Multiple Sign Ups with Tabbing

Link Multiple Sign Ups with Tabbing

What our users are saying

Why Use SignUpGenius


Intuitive wizards make it simple to set up and simple to sign up.


Parents and coaches can see all needs at once and sign up 24-7.


League officials can create a multi-team sign up or coaches can create their own.


Use bulk email invites, automated reminders and data exports to save time.


Collect payments, coordinate any size event and manage volunteers easily.

Other Helpful Resources