Manage Office Life with Simple Ideas and Sign Ups

office life meetings company culture

No summer Fridays? No problem. This summer, bring fun into the workplace by planning company events and team building activities. Use these creative sign ups and ideas to enhance your corporate culture and make sure everyone has a smile on their face. 

Get to Know Each Other

  • Open your morning meeting with some icebreaker questions or party games to get employees talking and help build relationships.
  • Test your employees’ teamwork with a trip to a nearby ropes course or escape room. Genius Tip: You can organize who is going with a simple sign up.
  • Boost company morale with some friendly office pranks. Whether you plant a fake bug or make a cake out of sponges, creativity counts!

 Hire Like a Pro

  • Be at the top of your game when conducting an interview. Use these interview tips to master the art of asking and answering questions.
  • Attract prospective employees with a positive corporate culture. Incorporating a strong vision and values will help people see themselves fitting in at a great company.
  • Never double-book an interview time and keep yourself organized with an interview sign up.

 Plan a Company Event

  • Recognize the hard work of your employees with these 50 office party themes, tips and games to provide inspiration for some workplace fun. Genius Tip: Collect RSVPs for company events with a sign up.
  • Combine home and work lives by encouraging employees to participate in a Bring Your Kid to Work Day (even if it’s not on the official day, summer is a great time since kids are out of school). By including activities like coloring and a scavenger hunt, children can see what their parents do on a day-to-day basis and have some fun while doing it!
  • Spice up office life (quite literally) with a themed potluck. Employees can choose items from Cuban food to cookout food and schedule who brings what with an office potluck sign up.
By providing some summer entertainment for your employees, you’ll be amazed by how much camaraderie you create and the dividends that will pay for your company! 

Create a Sign Up